Quantum Nutrition Response Testing - Virtual

How does virtual work? Virtual works where I am essentially, your extension cord. I like to compare it to being able to pick up a phone and calling your mom. Your mom may not be there with you, but there is an invisible energy/frequency connection. Believe it or not, I feel this technique is more accurate than when muscle testing is performed on the client's arm in person. There are far less variables. That is why, in most cases, I still do the quantum technique while in person.
To go a little deeper on how it works, we use the universal law of divine oneness; the law that everything is interconnected. Through this inner connection, we are able to specifically tap into a line of energy to you no matter your location. Our energetic bodies are brilliant and we are able to reach those connections thousands and thousands of miles away very quickly. Quantum Physics calls this "The Entanglement Theory."
Watch this great video by Mind Body Spirit Academy if you'd like a breakdown of quantum physics and how we use quantum fields to do the virtual testing!
If you aren't familiar with The Entanglement Theory, check out this video by Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, that makes it a little easier to understand:
How do I perform Quantum Muscle Testing in Lutz FL?
I use my hand (thumb and pointer finger) also known as the snap technique. I ask yes & no questions and my snap will either stay in place (yes answer) or break (no answer). Similarly to when your arm unlocks in person, my finger will go down or the snap will be completed.
I have a very detailed and complete system where I check the individual organs & body's systems through intention, on a body map or I may even touch the area of my body for you... hence, your extension cord.
Once I find the "weak/imbalanced" organs/areas, then I ask which one the body would like to work on first, also know as "The Priority''. I then dig a little deeper and figure out what exactly is causing the weakness or imbalance. From there, we can narrow down what highest-possible quality nutritional formulas and supplements are needed to detox the body or nourish and support the body. I pair that with extensive diet and lifestyle recommendations, which are also determined through quantum nutrition response testing and my background in Functional Nutrition. By following the program as precisely as possible, you are well on restoring normal function and improving your health. This is what I call YOUR Personalized Health Improvement Plan.
It's that simple!
In medicine, the medical doctor makes a diagnosis and then uses drugs or surgery to attack or suppress the symptom or to remove the "offending" organ or malfunctioning part surgically.
In our system, we use "designed clinical nutrition" to correct the cause of the problem so that the body can regain the ability to repair itself.
Why can't I take my supplements?
Over-the-counter vitamins are pharmaceutically engineered chemical fractions of vitamin structures reproduced in a laboratory. These cannot be used in place of whole food supplements in a designed clinical nutrition program. The label "natural" is misleading when applied to nutritional products, as the FDA will approve such labeling based on a small percentage of naturally sourced components. Such products don't correct existing imbalances and may introduce new ones.
Your vitality and energy are derived from live food.
Most foods available today are dead or are not really foods at all: boxed cereals, canned vegetables, soda pop, etc. You can readily understand the difference between dead, devitalized pseudo-foods, with the synthetic or isolated vitamins on the one hand and "Designed Clinical Nutrition" and a diet of real foods, on the other. So-called "scientific research," done with these shoddy substitutes, repeatedly "proves" that vitamins don't do much good for anyone! Can you imagine who pays for these "studies"?
There is a great deal of technology & know-how behind what we do
- By analyzing your body's organs/areas, we help you determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet to bring about balance and better health.
- We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, or powdered form to "supplement" your current diet. That's why they are called "food supplements."
- Depending on your situation, we might also require that you make some specific changes in your diet and eating habits and your routines to bring about the best possible results.
Having been designed through decades of clinical use on tens of thousands of patients and patients from many different types of health care practitioners, you can be assured that using QNT; we can evaluate your body's nutritional needs and devise a program to help your body heal itself.
Follow-Up Visits
An analysis of your active organs/areas will be performed on each follow-up visit. Often these follow-up visits also reveal additional layers of dysfunction. These can then be addressed in the correct sequence for your body.
Each patient gets a completely individualized program. Very much like opening a combination lock, you must use the correct numbers in the proper sequence and the right direction at the right time - then the lock opens easily.
Therefore, since every case is different, even the most complicated issues can be handled by following the correct sequence as revealed through QNT. I am all about testing and NOT guessing.
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
AllVitae Health & Chiropractic™
17841 Hunting Bow Cir Suite #101
Lutz, FL 33558
Servicing All of Hillsborough and Pasco Counties!